Our travel day started back at the Antofagasta International School, where we began our stay in this lovely city. The ritual of travel days is a constant. Every member of the group, including chaperones, don their tour shirts. Baggage is checked. The irreplaceable formal attire is carefully checked and checked again. Final goodbyes are exchanged with the homestay families, which in Chile typically involve lots of hugs and plenty of pictures. Of course, no transition on tour is complete without a song, which inevitable is met with delight by the crowds, especially the homestay families.
On our journey to Calama, we began with “silent bus,” so the choir could write about their experience in the tour journals. Along the way, we made a couple of stops. First, at La Portada or The Gate, a natural rock formation on the coast north of Afantogasta. Second, at the Tropic of Capricorn Marker. Then, off to Calama.
![Luggage Check. Farewell to Our Homestays at Antofagasta International School Antofagasta, Chile on December 20, 2015. (Photo by E Bryan Crenshaw III).](http://www.keystoneboychoir.org/wpress/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/KSB_20151220_EBC_4493.jpg)
Luggage Check. Farewell to Our Homestays at Antofagasta International School Antofagasta, Chile on December 20, 2015. (Photos by E Bryan Crenshaw III).
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