We flew to Cape Town – a two hour flight. The stewardess made a fuss over the boys on the intercom. She saw our picture and article in the inflight magazine and was very impressed. It’s a neat thing for the boys to see themselves in print. Color no less!

Saturday night we met our Cape Town homestays. I knew just from looking at our group of hosts that the boys were in good hands. They’re wonderful folks, and the boys are quite happy with their adopted families. Not bad, to have a place to stay in Cape Town. I have no doubt some of the boys will return one day. Hopefully they’ll get up on Table Mountain next time. The cable cars are down for maintenance. We will drive up half way (as far as buses can go) on Signal Hill at the end of the day today.

On Sunday afternoon we had our major concert in Cape Town – a stunning hall with a very cool contemporary design in the suburb of Parrow. The Tygerberg Children’s Choir, considered the best children’s choir in the country, sang the first half of the program, we sang the second.

KSB SA 2011-Tygerberg Concert

View the Photo Gallery on Flickr: Tygerberg Concert

The reception we received was perhaps the most enthusiastic one of all our formal concerts. There were thunderous applause at the end which went on for many minutes. The warm audience seemed to love every song more that the next, but were especially ecstatic over our version of their National Anthem and our new South African medley. We had the concert recorded live so you’ll eventually get to hear the program.

Another incredible moment was when we sang Eternity in the hall. We dedicated to Tybergberg, who gave us this song ten years ago. We traded it for “The Storm is Passing Over” – their director remembered the trade! To sing this beautiful piece so well, in such a gorgeous acoustic, ten years later, was a really highlight for Fitz and me. Talk about coming full circle! (Shout out to alumni Jordan Thomas: wish you could have been there Jordan! You would have been in heaven)

The conductor of the Tygerberg Children’s Choir, Hennie Loocke, is an icon in the choral community here. He gave a stirring speech after the concert to our boys. He spoke of their excellent musicianship, their aesthetic, and their joy for singing. He said he and his choir (an incredible one at that) learned much from us and that it was “the best Sunday afternoon of his life.” Of course he was being kind, but he and his choir community did seem genuinely moved by the boys’ performance. His wife told me quite sincerely that she had never heard a choir sing South African songs so well, including South African choirs. I’m not quite sure about that, but it was quite the compliment regardless.

Francois, the Choir Manager, told me this morning that many choirs come through Cape Town, and that we are the exception to the rule in terms of quality. Another parent who is a music educator, told me we give the Drankensberg Boys Choir a run for their money. (Draakies, if you’re reading this, we still say you guys are hands down the best in the world J) As a community-based boychoir, to even be in the ball park with a choir school as exceptional as Drakesnberg is a great compliment to us. It’s also a testimony to all of us in the KSB family for our dedication and commitment to giving boys a world-class singing experience. I’ve heard several times on the trip: “how did you do this in ten years?” I then show them the open veins at my wrists. 😉

I’m waiting for the crew to get back from Robben Island. Can’t wait to get their impressions. They shopped this morning, which makes them very happy boys. Chaps too. Warning: many African drums coming your way, and losts of fun African gifts for family members. It’s a mad rush now, as the clock winds down on our concert tour. The first wave departs tomorrow afternoon, so it’s shop ‘til we drop.

We have a sound check at 2:30pm at the Waterfront amphitheatre. Hour performance at 3pm. It’s winter, so I don’t expect a big crowd, but it should be great fun. And the setting is to die for. From where the boys will be singing, they’ll be able to see the breathtaking Table Mountain. As the boys drove into sight of the Mountain, a rainbow appeared. They broke into a chorus of “Somewhere Over The Rainbow.” It does feel like paradise here. A great way to wrap up this incredible journey.

More later…