What Is Your Favorite Moment From This Tour?

Andy Neale – Being part of the African drum circle in Bergen square.

Andrew Posmontier – Singing and dancing African style in a square in Bergen.

Konstantin Minch– When, on the Flåmbahn train, we went past the wall on the left, and peered over the huge cliff at a terrific view, and everyone said, “Woooow.”

David Schmidt – Steering the sled dogs down the arctic road in Longyearbyen.

Ethan Walters – When I drove the dog sled and had sugary pancakes afterwards.

John Davis – Riding the dog sleds in Svalbard.

Jaleel Bivins – Giving the Liberty Bell to Aung San Suu Kyi.

Andrew Piszek – When Ethan tried to pour water in the sauna.

Calvin Wamser – On the Flåmbahn train when we got off at a waterfall and there were dancing trolls.

Immanuel Mykyta-Chomsky – Riding the dog sleds in Svalbard.

Andrew Shaw – Riding on top of a Land Rover while driving through the outskirts of Svalbard.

Lowell Hoyt – The chicken fights at the pool in Svalbard.

David Gayle – Dancing in Bergen with the African people and having random people off the streets coming into the circle and dancing.

Zack Crenshaw – African jam session with Safia Abbdi and others in Bergen.

Peter Subramanian – Every time I make a connection with someone, like when I found out that I watch the same show as Sam Rowland.

Jake Norman – Driving a dog sled, I do need to practice a little more.

Owen Davies – When Mr. Fisher said in the middle of the song Nelson Mandela, “I’m not Nelson Mandela, I’m Aung San Suu Kyi!!”

Zach Raphael – Seeing the wildlife and scenery at the glacier in Svalbard.

Jimmy Paolini – Spontaneously deciding to take a bus to the beach at 12:30 AM with just a few kids and chaperones. And we thought Mr. Fisher was joking.

Tremayne Bundy – Standing next to a warm bonfire while talking to Norwegian girls on the seashore late at night.

Josh Bruce – Playing the role of Mrs. Linde in the northernmost production of Henrick Ibsen’s A Doll’s House aboard the Polar Girl.

Jamaar Julal – hitch hiking on a passing bus at 1:00 AM to the beach with 7 kids and 7 chaperones while it was still light out on the sunniest day in Longyearbyen.

Jack Schmieg – Having the people of Longyearbyen singing happy birthday for me.

Jack Gorman – When my homestays, my homestay buddies, and I went hiking in Aurland. We drove up to a viewpoint that over looked the town and we took a trail into the clouds of the Fjord.

Noah Shipley – Going on an unplanned beach trip at 1:00 in the morning with Mr. Fisher, some chaperones, and some friends.

Dean Bloomingdale – Singing at the bonfire party on the beach of Svalbard. It may have been incredibly cold, but the entire town was there and it was fantastic.

Clay Bryan – Riding ON a Land Rover- seriously, on top of it, not in it- And enjoying a 360 degree view of the mountains and snow surrounding Longyearbyen. And eating Jimmy Paolini’s raw spaghetti. And riding on the Polar Girl. And singing the African songs in Bergen with the drum circle. And being the only group not paid by the Bergen Festival but yet kicking musical butt and being the best act ever. I mean ever. Also, riding on a boat with my homestay in Oslo around the Harbor.

Sam Rowland – Watching soccer and playing a game called Kubb with my homestay. Kubb is a game based around throwing logs at other logs and has a rich traditional aspect in Norwegian culture.

Mike Paolini- The dance circle in Bergen with the drummers from Somalia and the dancer.

Ricardo Jaramillo- Hanging out on the beach at 1:00 am after spontaneously hitchhiking a ride down with a bus driver. The sun was out for the first time since we reached Longyearbyen.

Pedro Ramos – Getting a ride from a random bus driver to the beach at 1am with Mr. Fisher, some boys, and some chaps. Also, the fine dinner that we ate Sunday night. Best food all tour.

Avery Mitchell- After our concert in Bergen we all got together in a circle, danced with random people and had a great time. It was so good to see everyone having fun and enjoying each other’s company.

Michael Adkins – Leaving at 1:00 am to go to the beach with Fisher. There were only 14 of us; 7 adults, and 7 boys. YOLO

Dom T-Bey – Including the mini concert that we had in the Bergan central square, the jam session that we had afterwards was an amazing experience. I never knew dancing with strangers could be so fun 😉

Lars Odland – As we viewed the fjords on a boat on our way to Bergen, Austin Wamser, Mike Zaharczuk, Drew Vitek, and I changed the words of the African songs to “Aung San Suu Kyi,” and it was just a great time.

Mike Zaharczuk – Just getting to hang out with Mr. Fisher.

Drew Vitek – Ditto.

Austin Wamser – When I played Nora Helmer in the northernmost production of the Henrick Ibsen classic, A Doll’s House.

DaVonne Henry – Listening to Dom’s story about how he and Tremayne got lost in Bergen.

Tom Kroszner – When Jarle, our homestay in Aurland, took Josh, Nic, Clay and I up to the mountain waterfall right across the street from his country home.

Nic Hanson – It was a cold night. The sun was hidden, suffocated by thick, threatening, bullying gray clouds in the sky. Svalbard was in rare form as we stood, trembling outside the museum, breathing hot air onto our hands in a desperate attempt to keep warm. Our stomachs were crying out for some form of nourishment. Then, what’s this?! We turn around, an eruption of orange and yellow, heat cascading off of the flames. A bonfire. It presides over the beach, allowing both Norwegian and American alike to bask in its warm glow. Everyone in Longyearbyen was down at the beach for the Summer Solstice Festival. Austin and I start to walk, then run, then sprint to the glow, to the warmth. Then, the smell of food!!! It fills our nostrils with life. Then we ate the food. It was good.

Oliver Snook – My favorite moment is when I was on the boat today and I had a great time playing an assortment of highly advanced nominated card games of various cultures,

Charles Miller – When we were on a surprise dogsledding thing and I was allowed to drive the dogs.

Noah Anninger – When I got to drive the dog sled in Svalbard.

Trey Womack – When Mr. Fisher took us too the beach at 12:30.

Jelani McFadden – When I got to dance in a concert and then I just kept doing it. It was so fun I felt the Jackson in me. It was AWESOME!!!

Jesse Kahn – Riding in the Land Rover with Mr. Fisher during the dog sledding (carting)

Ben Van Meter – When I was listening to the drumming in Bergen and watching the dancing.

Jordan Allen – When I got to control the dogs for the dog sledding on my birthday.

Jesse Lazrus – Swimming in the artic ocean, YOLO

Matthew Flynn – My favorite tour moment was when we sang at the northern most church in the world!

Will Hence – When I got a performance prize after the Bergen festival concert, and also one the next day.

Rowan Goudy – The moment the dog sled started moving was amazing!

Cameron Brown – My favorite tour moment was on the plane ride to Oslo when apparently the man was handing out breakfast, and I half woke up, put the breakfast on my head, and went back to sleep!

Evan McClelland – Fine dining at the Radisson Blu, and riding on a ferry through the “fjordiest of fjords!!” 🙂

Adam Saah – Playing football (soccer) with Antone (my Oslo homestay) with Jesse L. until 11:30 pm… Looked like it was still 4 o’clock.

Tunde Sogo – Singing at the Nobel Peace Event with Sølvguttene.

Michael Deshield – Laughing at dinner with my homestay in Aurland at all the funny stuff we were doing.

Tyler Miles – My favorite tour moment was winning the performance prize for the concert on Sunday 17th.

Jelani Wheeler – When a bunch of people was riding in the back of the Land Rover and some people were hanging off the side.

Linda Deis – A favorite experience was spending time with my homestay, Sis, and her two boys, Adrian and Leo, in Oslo. With the choir?……….singing at the Nobel Peace Center.

Will Anninger – My many favorite moments have been spending time getting to know all the KSB boys, varied and wonderful kids! I have also loved watching and being with Norwegian kids; I really appreciate their independence, and love for being outside in the beautiful cold.

Peter Davis – As a rookie chap I was learning on the fly, and I’ve enjoyed everything. However, the mini concert for the children in Aurland and the concert at the elementary school in Oslo stand out due to the overwhelming positive response by the audience. In particular, both schools had children with disabilities included with the general population. I found this to be very satisfying.

Ann Schmieg – I have enjoyed every moment so it’s hard to pick just one, but I was very moved by the performance at the church in Bergen when the grads circled around the audience and sang The Awakening like I have never heard it performed before (and I have heard it lots and lots of times!). I could hear each and every voice yet at the same time they blended so very beautifully. It was a magical moment I will never forget. Aside from that, I just love being with my chap group and getting to see this amazing country through their eyes and getting to know each of these young men who are so very talented and so delightful to be with.

Anne Odland – I echo all of the comments about having so many wonderful experiences here, and it is hard to choose just one, but I suppose one that stands out to me was the moment as we were travelling on the ship through the fjord from Aurland to Gudbrandsdalen and we sang “Norge, mitt Norge” for ourselves on the bow of the ship—the words had such visceral meaning in that gorgeous setting. I have also loved the spontaneous moments of hearing the Norwegians singing their birthday song to our boys (“Hurra for deg!”) and seeing our boys learn it and sing it back to the Norwegians. Good stuff.

Laura Bryan – so many great moments! Loved being awake at 2:30 am and laughing because it was so sunny that we had to put on our sunglasses, but the bek ttlst was riding on the dogsled – AWESOME!!!!! Many memorable “situations”.

Alexis Paolini – Arriving a week late and meeting up with KSB was wonderful, and the bird attack was hilarious, but I have to say catching a bus to the beach and then being awake at 3am and laughing at the bright sunshine had to be the most amazing part.

Laurie Harbeson – Hmm.that’s a tough one. I would have to say the dog sledding in the tundra of Svalbard, experiencing the midnight sun and being attacked by nesting artic turns not once but twice.
Theresa Bertolino – hmmm, I would have to say dog sledding followed closely by our fun in the midnight sun, the bird attacks, and the Bryon bathroom exhibition!!!

Lori Flynn – Dog driving in the Arctic Circle or our free afternoon in chap groups in Bergen! Of course, all of tour is pretty amazing!

Mary Ann Case – The best moments on tour are the ones spent with the boys, especially the ones who have never traveled with KSB before. Experienced Tour Choir members know that every day on tour contains a small delight, whether it is singing in a great venue, learning a new card game with guys you don’t know well, seeing spectacular scenery, spending time with Mr. Fitz or Mr. Fisher, or a “tour moment” that will one day be tour lore to be told to brand new tour choir members.

Martha Platt – As one long obsessed with the stories of the polar explorers, standing on the deck of the Fram, Fridtjof Nansen’s boat, the one that took Amundsen to Antarctica, was EPIC for me. And the rest of tour was my favorite tour ever!

Andrea Saah – All the impromptu concerts in public places that ended with everyone singing and dancing, and getting to know so many of the boys on an individual basis. They rock!

Fitz – I just love the concerts. You can see the kids just flourishing in front of your eyes. They start tour with raggedy notes and a sort of awkward confidence in their already well-rehearsed repertoire, but as the tour progresses they seem to open like flowers, and begin to embrace every note and every phrase, and to sing them with such abandon and love for the music. It seems to reflect their ever increasing respect and friendship for each other, and the tight bonds they are forming that will follow them for the rest of their lives. In the end, it’s really all about the music. That’s the thing that just wraps around all of us and makes each of us who we are. I am humbled every time I think of what this amazing choir has become – it truly is a real home for kids who love to sing, and tour helps to make it all come true.

Mr. Fisher – Returning 60 boys safe and sound into the arms of their moms and dads. Whew!